Dayton Inspires
Jordan ChavezDayton Ohio, Jordan Chavez InBetweenBranches, Creative Director, Creative Project, Music Video, dayton fashion film, fashion show, fashion film, Far Away MK2, Stixen Stones, Landon Cherry, Dahlia Armand, Midwest is best, ohio model, ohio fashion, ohio art, ohio artist, midwest art, midwest artist, creatives, creative haus, drag queens, models, dancers, performers, upcoming artists, young creatives, creative happy life, make art, makeup, inbetweenbranches, clayton chavez, videography, Drone Footage, drone
Conquer Gem City - A Dayton Fashion Film
Jordan Chavezdayton fashion film, conquer gem city, dayton ohio, the gem city dayton ohio, the gem city, dayton model, dayton art, jordan chavez, InBetweenBranches, jordan chavez inbetweenbranches, visuals, ohio fashion, ohio drag, ohio artist, fashion stylist, fashion video, fashion director